Request an Estimate

For an estimate of charges for your upcoming visit, including co-pay and deductible estimates, please either:

  • Click here to run your own estimate
  • Contact Patient Financial Services at (559) 353-7009 where a member of our team can assist you

Below is a downloadable listing of Valley Children’s Hospital standard charges. Total billed charges, and the actual amount you may owe, will depend on the services provided during your child’s visit, as well as any insurance that may apply. Patient financial responsibility can vary significantly depending on your individual benefit plan.

By accessing the file below, you acknowledge that this file is not intended to provide an estimate of charges for your particular visit. Also, by accessing the file you acknowledge that the file is not intended for media use, replication or distribution and is the sole property of Valley Children’s Healthcare.

Please note, Pharmacy and Supply charges are not static and may change depending on updates to cost.

View a downloadable listing of hospital standard charges effective October 1, 2023.