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Asthma Management

Asthma is caused by inflammation in the airways leading to the lungs. When the airways tighten and narrow, it becomes hard for children to breathe. Aside from wheezing, asthma also leads to coughing, recurrent bronchitis and shortness of breath, especially when exercising.

Valley Children’s offers a full range of testing – pulmonary function tests, bronchial provocation tests, exercise tests and allergy tests. We provide treatment options including rescue and controller medications to prevent your child from having chronic and troublesome symptoms.

Our approach also focuses on asthma education and lifestyle planning:

  • Identifying and controlling triggers (indoor and outdoor irritants)
  • Anticipating and preventing asthma flare-ups
  • Medication management and inhaler techniques
  • Controlling flare-ups

Through education and planning, you and your child can get the education and tools you need to recognize and treat symptoms.

Learn more about asthma in Valley Children's Health Encyclopedia.