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Carlos Diaz Melean, MD

Valley Children’s Medical Group Doctor
About Clinical Interests Education Video Locations


  • English
  • Spanish

Dr. Carlos Diaz is a Valley Children's Primary Care Group primary care physician at Olivewood Pediatrics in Merced. Board certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics, he completed his pediatric residency at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Diaz has had stints as a house-staff physician in adult and pediatric emergency departments in Venezuela, and he was a research fellow at the Mayo Clinic’s Cardiovascular Disease Center in Rochester, Minnesota. He graduated summa cum laude from Universidad Centro-Occidental Lisandro Alvarado School of Medicine in Venezuela. He is fluent in English and Spanish.
Aside from contributing to publications, Dr. Diaz has also made presentations that have touched on topics of physical wellness, obesity and weight loss and diabetes – topics that are incredibly relevant to the pediatric population in the Central Valley. He has also volunteered in several public health projects in Honduras, and he facilitated Spanish pediatric CPR training for pediatricians from Latin America and local medical students at the American Academy of Pediatrics Conference in Washington D.C. in 2015.
Dr. Diaz enjoys playing golf, basketball, baseball and watching soccer.