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Keenia Tappin, MD

Valley Children’s Medical Group Doctor
About Clinical Interests Education Video Locations


  • English

Dr. Keenia Tappin joined Valley Children’s Primary Care Group in July 2022 as a pediatrician at Dakota Pediatrics in Fresno.

After earning her medical degree from Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, Dr. Tappin went on to complete her pediatric residency training as part of Valley Children’s Pediatric Residency Program, affiliated with Stanford University School of Medicine, where she served a year as chief resident. During residency, Dr. Tappin was a member of the Residency Evaluation Committee and Resident Diversity Council, a resident-led group focused on nurturing diversity and inclusion.

Dr. Tappin’s scholarly work and professional lectures cover topics including trauma informed care, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and fostering resiliency. She has appeared on Valley Children’s Voice physician podcast, where she was a featured speaker for a two-part series called “Exploring Adverse Childhood Experiences,” which discussed ACEs, screening and the impact of these experiences on children.

Dr. Tappin’s dedication to fostering resiliency extends far beyond the walls of her clinic and out into the community; since 2020, she has served as a mentor for the Fresno Police Chaplaincy’s Project S.T.E.A.L.T.H., a program focused on engaging at-risk Fresno youth and their families and bringing hope into their lives through education, intervention and mentorship.